Tilly + Dani


How did Tilly come into your world?

I adopted Tilly in 2020 shortly after a relationship breakdown. I had know for years that I wanted a greyhound, and when I found my feet in a new home (sans cats), it was only a matter of days before I applied to adopt my beautiful girl.
Tilly started out as a foster dog, coming straight from her racing trainer’s property. She was my first dog as an adult, and moving in with me was her first experience of being a pet. We had a lot to learn from one another and formed an unshakeable bond that has become the foundation of our relationship. While in loose terms I’m considered her ‘Mum’, it has always felt more like a relationship of two equals. We both have the same worth and support one another every day.

How would you describe her personality?

Tilly is many things. As well as being happy, patient, gentle and affectionate, she is incredibly easy going, and during our short time together has taught me to adopt an attitude of “water off a duck’s back”. Before she came home with me I was often a pretty anxious person, but she has been instrumental in helping me see the bigger picture, and teaching me to have gratitude for the small things.

Tilly is never worried about anything - and she’s always right.

If she could tell us all something about you, what would she say?

She would, and does, tell me to stress less! She’d probably also gripe that we don’t spend our entire days going for walkies. If only.

What does she love to do the most?

RUN! She’s not as quick as she used to be, but drop her in an open paddock and unclip her lead and she’ll be off like a rocket. She’s got zoomies for days! She’s also quite partial to a sleep in, a dip in her clamshell pool, and Coles BBQ roast chicken.

What's everyday life like with Tilly by your side?

She keeps me in a routine (greyhounds LOVE a routine), and she’s always super happy to see me when I come home at the end of the day. She’s my quiet little shadow that is content enough just to be where I am.

How has having a dog changed your life?

Only for the better. She’s the piece of the puzzle that had been missing all along. She fulfils me and brings me great joy as well as a deep sense of purpose. I’m a better person because of her and I hope she knows how much I love her.

Thank you, Tilly.


Full credit for all photos in this post go to the inimitable Mel Boulden.