Rex, Acacia, Matt and Nicole


How did your dogs come into your world?

Acacia was my 21st birthday and hasn’t left my side since. After buying security cameras for the house i couldn’t stand to see her alone all day by herself so we looked into getting another dog. Rex, aged 3, was a Gumtree dog with 2 previous owners and gave Acacia a best mate to hang out with while Nicole and I worked.

How would you describe their personalities?

Acacia is pretty sassy. She’s playful in a bratty way, like taking a shoe and running around with it while you try and catch her. Rex I could never understand why he had 2 previous owners, as he is the most cuddliest, kindest, sookiest dog I have ever met. Complete opposite to what Acacia is like. Acacia still likes a scratch but is very much similar to a cat and will leave when shes had enough.
Rex is also scared of the oven and barks at the lawn mower.

If they could tell us all something about you, what would they say?

They would say we drop anything if there is something wrong with them, and we love them like family.

What do they love to do the most?

I’d have to say go to the dog park. Rex seems to have an absolute melt down when I pull out his ball thrower and go to put him in the land cruiser.
Acacia loves climbing on the obstacles.

What's everyday life like with Rex and Acacia by your sides?

I couldn’t think of life any other way. Dogs are amazing. They have their own personality and are so smart. Any time you’re having a rough day, giving your dog a pet or hanging out with them makes it just that much better.

How has having a dog changed your life?

Its made me re think vacuum cleaner technology, and which is the best for getting dog hair out of carpet.