Rex + Jo


How did Rex come into your world?

We wanted a new dog after my little mate Hunter, a Jack Russel, passed away. After some time we went back to the RSPCA , there were about 4 or 5 young kelpies that had come in from a farm down in the south east. We looked them over and saw one play on his lonesome. He would be the one - as as soon as we saw him he came over and started giving sloppy kisses. Straight away he was alert and attentive to what we were saying.

How would you describe his personality?

When we got Rex, he was 5 months old so he was a bit of a handful. With many shoes, pillows and anything within reach destroyed. Now, after taking him to doggy school and passing 5 levels, he is a very manageable young boy but still has his charm giving wet smooches or a quick cuddle for no reason.

If he could tell us all something about you, what would he say?

“Throw the ball. I love ya mom. Can I have your food?”

What does he love to do the most?

Rex is obsessed with chasing tennis balls, and going to work at different sites with his hi-vis on, meeting new people and having new experiences. He also loves riding on the forklift in the workshop, or just laying in the sun.

What's everyday life like with your boy by your side?

A sense of companionship without words.

How has having Rex changed your life?

We’re a lot happier, and there’s never a dull moment.

Rex has so much joy and love to give.