Lola, Winnie + Kerin


When Kerin contacted me to tee up a session in anticipation of the arrival of her newest family member, I was dang thrilled.

Not only do I love a puppy (how can you not), but Kerin herself is a professional photographer and has been running her own business for pretty much her entire adult life. Truly this opportunity was an honour and a delight. To have this incredible woman with so much knowledge and skill of her own, trust me with her precious family photos fills my heart with pride. Thank you for making me the ‘Photographer’s Photographer’!

Kerin and Lola welcomed itty Winnie into their home only 24 hours before our session. This fresh little 7 week old cherub completes this family so perfectly it’s as though they’d been waiting their whole lives for her.

Kerin took the time to tell me about how they all came to be together, and how her life is made better for it.


How did Lola and Winnie come into your world?

I've always loved Golden Retrievers the most out of all dogs. My last Goldie, Zoe lived to 16. When I moved out of the city and to the country 5 years ago, the first thing I wanted was a Goldie. I got Lola a few months after I bought my house through a lovely friend who knew a breeder in the Hills. I was so lucky that I could visit often before she was ready to go home and so Lola and I formed a lovely bond. Winnie, who I have had for 3 days was a similar scenario. Through another dear friend who knew a different Breeder who was kind enough to let me visit 4 times ! 


How would you describe their personalities?

Lola is happy, easy going, affectionate and extremely energetic. She is the best company and I feel lost when she is not here. Winnie is 7 weeks old and already has way more attitude than Lola! She has just found her voice and likes to have a tanty if she can see me but can't get to me. She is really, really cuddly, like she fully snuggles in. She is also playful and cheeky as!


If they could tell us all something about you, what would they say?

That I am a lovely Mummy I think. I really love and care for them.


What do they love to do the most?

Lola loves going on walks so much! She goes crazy as soon as I put on my sneakers. She also loves to chase rabbits, dribble for food, adores visitors and when I have a family "do" here, she's obsessed with her toys and can't greet you at the door without a toy or shoe. Going in the car is exciting and so is going to the beach. Winnie loves to be cuddled, go outside in my yard and explore, play with Lola, sleep lots because she's a puppy (especially on my bed), have little treats and chew everything, especially my beloved indoor plants!


What's everyday life like with your dogs by your side?

I cannot imagine my life without them. They make me smile and laugh so much more


How has having your dogs changed your life?

I feel less lonely, I walk everyday, my house feels like a home and they bring me happiness.

I never got the opportunity to have children which I will always feel a little sad about. While I've had relationships, I've never met the love of my life and when I explored having children on my own and simultaneously running a small business, I decided it was too big of a mountain for me. So, my dogs and my kitty Sushi, are my own little family. I have always wanted two Goldies but thought it would be too expensive and too much work. During Covid last year, I had time to reassess my life and reset. I grew a lot and made many changes. Life is too short. I decided to put a little money aside whenever I could to save for a puppy. Dreams do come true and dogs are better than humans anyway! ;-)
