Portland, Cohen + Brooke


How did Portland come into your world?

In 2019, we went to a GAPSA open day to potentially adopt a dog. When we got there we instantly fell in love with our little noodle, Portland, or Porty for short. Portland was an older greyhound looking for a good home where he could be loved and enjoy the rest of his life with a family. As a newly wed couple with an older dog, we were so blessed that we had built an instant bond with Portland and him with us.

How would you describe his personality?

Portland is a spontaneously active dog who has moments filled with bursting energy to run, play and have fun. Most of the time however, he sleeps on his bed or on the concrete in the sun, even though his bed is literally only a foot away. The statement is true that greyhounds are couch potatoes that sleep most of the day. Our little Porty is a happy, kind, gentle dog with a heart of gold.

If he could tell us all something about you, what would they say?

If Portland could speak to us, he would say that he loves us and always wants to be around us. When we are gone, he is sad and alone but when we come home he is so happy that we are home. Portland would also say 'do you have any cheese or food that you want to share with me, please?' and 'mum or dad, I'm going to get you!’

What does he love to do the most?

When we first adopted Portland, we figured out that he loved bread… the hard way. We would find bread bags ripped open and scattered all over the bench and floor. So we had to put our bread and any food away and out of his reach. Portland loves going on adventures where he gets to explore and loves going driving in the car. Anywhere we go Porty loved to come along too. He also loves cheese.

What's everyday life like with your boy by your side?

Everyday life with Portland is amazing, his ears and tail spark up whenever we are near and is always so happy to see us and be with us. He enjoys routine but doesn't like daylight savings because that means his dinner time changes. Portland makes a bad day a good day by cuddling up and showing that happy face that makes your heart full of joy.

How has having Portland changed your life?

Life with Portland is like having a baby that can run but not communicate well - only by sounds. He fills our life with so much joy and when we have visitors they all love him too. At first, we were worried about having small children around Portland as he was an older dog but we taught him and the kids to be gentle and kind. Without Portland we feel like we would be different people, but with him life is better.